Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The grass app was pretty cool, it was really realistic. The grass would move which ever way you moved it and would seem to move up, no matter which way i tilted it.The meditation was certainly peaceful even if it was electronic. If I were to sit outside with the ipad, where I could see nature other than virtual mountains and a fake blue sky, it would be even better. Even as it was, seeing the nature on the screen still gave me a sense of peace that only nature can do. It seemed to bring out some ancient instinct (I don't know what else to call it)in me that I am sure all humans have. Which is one of the reasons nature is so important to preserve.
The decorah eagle cam is a really cool opportunity to study the bald eagle in its natural habitat, without disturbing it too much. It is really neat to see how this majestic bird raises its young. From building the nest to feeding the babies to teaching them how to fly and hunt. I believe this camera is also a very good way of providing some extra protection for our national bird. We would know if it got sick and needed medical care, or if some kids decided to be cruel and throw rocks at the nest or something. One question I have about the eagle cam is why did Luther College choose this particular nest to place the camera near? Was this particular eagle having some sort of trouble? Or was it simply because it is the closest to campus? Some day I will ask and find out.

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